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We dream, explore, create and craft
    progressive digital experiences

Work & Clients

Meet The Folks:


Co Founder & Creative Director


Co Founder & Developer


Designer & Front End Developer



Artist Statment

I have learned a lot about myself artistically throughout this semster. When i glance back at all of the artists i have learned about, i see parts of them in different pieces i have created. i thought that art wasn't important because i could easily snap a picture, and there i would have my memories. However, i learned that this was false. The emotions and moments that you can capture in an art work, can speak so much than a simple photograph can. " photography has its own language, you don't need an interpeuter". This reflect my thoughts on art throughout my senior year, i have realized how art can act as an outlet and a form of expression. I love to make art based on feelings and connect it with memories. I used to have struggle with finding my topics, but once i stopped thinking about photography as a project and more of a form of expression, ideas started to flow naturally. As an artist i dont plan to be professional by any means, however i am going to continue creating art. Photography inspires me in my daily life. Life is like photography, we develop from the negatives.




We design great websites and all sorts of interactive products from start to finish 

paulo sadek


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